Friday, October 17, 2014

Feature Friday: Victoria's Beautiful Home

You know how every once in a while you meet someone that you instantly click with?
And maybe she's super crafty and has great style?
And maybe she's adventurous and has a sweet spirit?
And maybe you bonded immediately over DIY projects and paint colors?
That's how it was when I met Victoria.
We got each other from the minute she walked in my front door.
So, I thought it would be fun to feature her home since!
When you're part of a family that moves a lot like Victoria and I are,
it can be a challenge to make each new house a home.
Some of us (I mean me) are still working on it.
Victoria, on the other hand, is clearly gifted at creating inviting spaces that she 
can flex her gracious hostess skills in.
This handmade wreath sends a clear message.
"Hi, my house is to die for. Come see what's inside."
Well it said that to me anyway ;-)

Don't mind if I do.

The entryway opens to a mudroom type area.

All of Victoria's house tells a story and it starts here.
She surrounds herself with things that are meaningful.....
and pretty to boot.

This custom made entry table, I mean....come on.

Wouldn't it be fabulous if we all looked down our halls and had this view?

I know. It's gorgeous.
(Killian loves it too)

Did I mention Victoria is a phenomenal hostess?
This is a pretty spot where we've gathered with girlfriends, noshed on 
homemade scones with clotted cream, and talked our heads off.

Let me give you a little pictorial tour of Victoria's main floor.
She has little gems and vignettes all over.
I almost got whiplash the first time I saw her house.
My eyes were darting all over, trying to take in the fabulosity.

I call these the twins. She made these ya'll!

On top of the entertainment cabinet are items that are dear to 
Tori and her hubby. 
The Fall touches add warmth.

This is on the other side of the cabinet,
I love the unexpected in her spaces!

I admire a home where there are spots that speak about 
a home's inhabitants like this.

What's in a name?
A lot, if your name is Fortune.
I adore the Happy Halloween pennant and the leaves.
Isn't it festive?

She made these too.
Stop. Just stop.

All of the rooms have these handmade signs hanging outside.
It's like you can't help but want to see inside.

You can see that Victoria is brilliant at using ordinary things in unique ways.
It blows my mind.

It's like a B&B....only she gets to live here!

This room is fun, and Victoria is fearless when it comes to color and texture.

This corner literally makes me happy. 
Like super happy.

This is the guest room.
I live down the street, but I think about taking a vacation here.

How cozy does this look?

Again with the crafty.

Before we say goodbye, let me introduce you to my
uber talented, super sweet travel companion and friend, Victoria.

She's a total hotty totty, I know.
And one of the nicest people you'll meet too.
This girl is always traveling, and lucky us, she blogs about it! Check it out...

Thank you Tori, for letting me oogle your home (again) and share it 
out here on the blogosphere. 
I <3 you.


  1. It's pretty special to see my home through your eyes! Especially coming from the most crafty person I know and someone who I have deep admiration for to boot! Thanks for making my home looks so inviting!!!!

  2. It was my pleasure to share your home. It's such a cozy, welcoming place! I'm happy you felt I did it justice my friend!


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